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The British Acupuncture Council's website offers excellent descriptions and explanations of Acupuncture which you can view HERE.

Acupuncture treatment is all about re-balancing your body's energy (known as Qi). Qi relates to anything in the body that should flow e.g. blood, body fluids, nerve signals, emotions and can be disrupted by factors such as emotional upset, prolonged stress, poor nutrition, hereditary factors, infections and physical and emotional trauma. Disruption to the flow causes illness. Using very fine needles at specific points on the body, acupuncturists stimulate your body's own healing responses e.g. pain modulation, anti-inflammatory processes, the immune system, and restore the physical, emotional and spiritual states to stability and equilibrium.

It is helpful to wear loose clothing for an acupuncture session as it enables me to access your elbows and knees without the need for for you to remove clothes.

You will be asked to sign a patient information and consent form before I begin the first consultation.


Chinese Herbs

The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine's website describes the origins and uses of Chinese herbs and these can be viewed HERE.

I only use herbs supplied by companies on the RCHM's approved supplier list and I normally use herbs in a concentrated powder form or tablets. Side effects are extremely rare when herbs are administered by a trained herbalist. However, certain herbs are not appropriate for everyone e.g. pregnant women, or are not suitable for long term use. It is therefore essential when taking herbs that you are regularly monitored and that you tell the herbalist if you are taking any other forms of medication, including those prescribed by your GP.




Hypno-puncture is a wonderful combination of acupuncture and hypnosis which, when applied simultaneously, harnesses the benefits of both. Anyone who has already experienced acupuncture will know how it can calm and relax the mind and this helps to achieve a deeper trance state more quickly. The hypnosis allows the acupuncture needles to do their work free from the constraints of a "busy brain" and, at the same time, supports positive behaviour and thought patterns, offers deep relaxation and helps to release subconscious barriers to healing. The overall effect is an impressively powerful holistic technique and creates combined results which are much more than the two therapies could produce separately.

I initially envisaged hypno-puncture for my fertility patients by helping to relieve stress, to promote deep relaxation and to eliminate subconscious barriers to conception, whether trying naturally or using assisted fertility treatments.

However, the methods used apply equally to other health issues including those where:

* unhelpful thought patterns have developed and are interfering with a

   person's ability to lead a fulfilling, healthy and enjoyable life,

* stubborn or long-term health issues which has led to a loss of

   confidence in the body's ability to heal and low mood.


Here are a couple of articles about the hypno-puncture experience:

Hypno-puncture for weight loss

Hypno-puncture explored in Psychology Today



Free Hypnosis track for anxiety at the dentist


Many people experience a degree of anxiety about visiting the dentist and this simple hypnosis track which I've uploaded onto YouTube aids relaxation and offers calming techniques to help make the visit a more realxed and positive experience. Click on the image below.





I cannot speak highly enough about hypno-puncture and I was a bit of a cynic! I have truly never reached such a relaxed, trance-like state as I have with hypno-puncture. The hypnosis is the most relaxing, empowering experience and the acupuncture needles heighten the intensity of the experience. Hypno-puncture seems to break through the barriers in the mind and truly helped me to let go of anxieties around conception and visualise the process. Elaine has also taught me how to achieve a trance-like state at home. I found the mind-body focus of Chinese medicine balanced the clinical nature of fertility treatment.

We cannot recommend Elaine and hypno-puncture enough! We do believe that these treatments greatly assisted our journey to conception via IVF. Thank you!"


CM, Essex

I found Elaine after struggling to fall pregnant naturally and unfortunately finding out that IVF was not going to work for my husband and I. Right from the very start Elaine was welcoming, reassuring and full of useful thoughts and advice. I found her sessions painless, relaxing and really beneficial, helping still myself from the busy days and stresses we place on ourselves. I am so happy to report that within 2 months of working with Elaine, remarkably we fell pregnant naturally and we are currently awaiting the birth of our first child in the next few weeks. I fully credit our natural conception to Elaine's work in calming me and encouraging my body to work naturally. I cannot recommend her highly enough.


AG, Essex

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